
Recent update

Hey there, I'm K, a Borneo native and an everyday guy who enjoys rambling about things I find enjoyable, if you let me, that is. Video games are one of those things. My favourite genre is turn-based tactics (hence the name of this site), a genre of video games in which you plan your moves first and see how they unfold. It's as frustrating as it is rewarding.

I started writing when I was little (about 8 years old I think), and began reviewing games in 2010. The first game I reviewed was Halo: Combat Evolved, because it gave me so much motion sickness, I just had to say a few things about it. And so in 2013 I started this site, because hey why not. I also had a failed dream to be a video game journalist, but let's not talk that. *sob*.

Writing is something I've been doing long before this site came to existence, and it's something I will always occasionally do, so I guess the point of this site is not to "blog" but to "(selectively) post online some stuff that I write", if that makes sense.

Other than anxiously waiting for the enemy's turn, I also enjoy playing guitar and bass. I have a lovely modified Telecaster with a Jazzmaster neck, and a Jazz bass. They're on the heavy side though, my back hurts sometimes. I enjoy Brazilian jiujitsu and submission grappling, too, but I suck at it.

Also: obligatory "I am not a native English speaker".

[Update 2017: Haven't written anything lately, currently playing Rome: Total War, my favorite game of all time. Haven't played anything else much either.]
[Update 2018: Time to revive this blog, there are like 5-7 nearly finished reviews that've been sitting for years in my hard-drive.]
[Update 2019: Slowly reviving this site, and myself.]

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