21 Apr 2014

Played Lots of Games Recently

Lately, I couldn't find the time to write full articles. I do have a lot drafts here in my computer about games that I've been playing recently as well as some thoughts/opinions articles. Yes, I'm still playing actively although university is taking more of my time right now. But since I'm not a blogger, but more of a gamer who loves writing video games as much as playing them, I do not have to rush things and let my thoughts flow at my mind's own pace.

In short, whether or not this blog exists, I will keep writing. I've been writing for years and years, and will continue to write about my gaming experience in the future. So as long as I write, this little site here remains in existence.

Oh, games I played recently? Spec Ops the Line, Rage, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2010, and more! I'm also having an issue with Metro: Last Light, once I get it fixed, I'll write about my early playthrough there. Also, I tried replaying STALKER: Call of Pripyat, one of my favorite games of all time, but apparently lost my previous save-file. That sucks. I couldn't find the time to start all over again.

Any ideas you'd like to share? Spend a minute or two dropping your thoughts down on the comments below. Although I'd love to see comments to know what you feel about the topics I write about, so feel free to do so.

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