15 Jan 2015

Counter Strike Xtreme V6 - A Brief Look

Well I haven't been posting any review for a while. I'm a bit busy with university and in the process of learning French as well, which will be my 5th language and after that Portuguese with the help of my Brazilian friend, Eric. Having been occupied for quite a while keeps me away from the desk to write some good ol' fashioned reviews. But mostly my habit of writing long and elaborated review is pretty much the cause of that, so this semester break I'll make sure to find time to sit down and finish those long overdue reviews. So here's a warm-up: a brief review on Counter Strike Xtreme V6, a fan-made mod for the ever-popular multiplayer classic shooter, Counter Strike.

2 Jan 2015

Five Very Interesting Cancelled Games You Never Knew

Financial problems. Technical difficulties. Internal issues within the studio. These are some of the reasons why now and then, we find some games scrapped off of development and cancelled, no matter how promising they look. Whether they would have been great or not, we will never know. But the fact that they are cancelled makes them seem very interesting. So, here are some of those cancelled games that you may never knew. With that in mind, you shouldn't expect me to talk about cancelled games like STALKER 2, Command & Conquer: Tiberium or Fallout Online, as they are very well known and you've probably read about them somewhere else anyway.