18 Nov 2013

From the Editor: College, Psychology and Delayed Posts

Hey guys, what's up. Lately I've been kind of busy with college schedule. The final examination is just a month and a half away, so I'm really pushing myself to the limit. Besides that, the Cultural Club, which I'm a member of, is going to have at least 2 performances in 2 different events next month. To think back, I actually joined the club just to try something new, ha... So yea, I'm kinda occupied this month. I haven't even started on Bioshock Infi- crap! -please don't post spoilers, ha!

10 Nov 2013

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 (PC) Review

nfs hot pursuit 2 classic

This is an old review of mine for Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2. I wrote it about 2 or 3 years ago while I was still in school. I guess I should post it here. I know it's a pretty old game, but I still like it. I decided to leave this review untouched, please excuse my English back then. Haha... Anyway, here goes.

4 Nov 2013

Dark Souls 2 Coming to PC Next March

Here's another great news of a game coming to the PC, guys! This time, it's Dark Souls 2, as announced by From Software game director, Yui Tanimura. Yay! Some of you must have tried the PC port for the previous Dark Souls called the Prepare to Edition, and were probably disappointed by various technical issues the port was plagued with. Now, thanks to the sequel having a proper PC edition, we will have the chance to enjoy what our console friends did playing the previous Dark Souls game.