18 Nov 2013

From the Editor: College, Psychology and Delayed Posts

Hey guys, what's up. Lately I've been kind of busy with college schedule. The final examination is just a month and a half away, so I'm really pushing myself to the limit. Besides that, the Cultural Club, which I'm a member of, is going to have at least 2 performances in 2 different events next month. To think back, I actually joined the club just to try something new, ha... So yea, I'm kinda occupied this month. I haven't even started on Bioshock Infi- crap! -please don't post spoilers, ha!

If you're wondering, I'm a software engineering student, but I intend to apply for a program change to cognitive science, which is offered at another university. The reason behind this change of heart is that I've always been passionate in studying the human mind since I was a teenager. Even though I'm cool with software engineering, I don't think it's what I want in life. Instead, I want to spend my whole life studying the human mind.

There are 6 courses I have to study for my current program (software engineering), but I'm so excited and looking forward to cognitive science that I've already started studying Introduction to Cognitive Psychology and Linguistics Analysis by myself. I'm currently working on a few researches on my own as well. You see, there are 3 things that I'm truly passionate in, that they have became an important part of my life, namely PSYCHOLOGY, PUNK MUSIC and GAMING.

the forest game
The Forest, one of the upcoming titles I'm looking forward to.

Anyway, I actually have some sort of a "post schedule" for this blog, but I've already missed a couple of posts because I couldn't find the time to sit down and work on them. Don't worry though, I'll be posting them soon enough I hope. I'm probably going to post articles about some upcoming survival horror games such The Forest and The Long Dark. Have you noticed, ever since the mod DayZ dropped, a lot of similar games started coming out as well, such as State of Decay?

Ah, also, I'll probably post an article on free anti-virus software as well. I tried Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, and I must say, it's really doing its job, and it's FREE! But until then, I'll have to see if I've got some free time myself to work on these new posts.

Adios, guys!

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