29 Aug 2013

Borderlands 3 Wish List

(Will Be Updated from Time to Time)
When the first Borderlands dropped, the guys at Gearbox Software were so surprised by its unexpected success that they decided to work on a sequel. So, Borderlands 2 came out, building upon the same but improved gameplay mechanics introduced in its predecessor, as well as introducing new characters, guns, items, vehicles, environments and of course, enemies. Borderlands 2 was both commercially and critically successful, with over 3 million copies sold and Gameraking scores of 90.5% (PS3), 90.10% (PC) and 89.29% (Xbox 360) and Metacritic scores of 91% (PS3) and 89% (PC and Xbox 360).

Sure, Borderlands 2 offers us more things, which is the reason why it was so successful but we are greedy gamers. Admit it, we want more! We want more things. We want more improvements, we want more of everything! According to Gearbox, they have not put any work to Borderlands 3 yet, but they have plans on the direction that the series is going to take. So, it's safe to assume that Borderlands 3 is going to come out someday.

So here's our Borderlands 3 Wish List- the things that what we want in Borderlands 3.

18 Aug 2013

Indie Game of the Week: The Binding of Isaac

The Binding of Isaac
It has been more than a week, in fact, nearly a month since the first Indie Game of the Week entry. It seems more appropriate to rename the section to "Indie Game of the Month" instead.

10 Aug 2013

Make Up a New Class and Discover a Fun Way to Gain XP in Brink

Our main objectives are: destroy the pillar, escort the bot, destroy the bridge and hack the gate controls. I start as soldier, and just like most Brink players, I expect myself to change class from time to time. Little do I know that I am going to stay a Soldier until the end of the match.

8 Aug 2013

2013 in Gaming, So Far

Is 2013 a good year for gaming? So far, yes. Well, most years are a good year for gaming, but some years do stand out than the rest. Maybe it's a bit early to confirm, but 2013 is most certainly going to be one of these years. Let's start with the news on the eight-gen console. Last February, Sony revealed the world their new console, PS4 at New York City. Then, 3 months later, rival Microsoft revealed their Xbox One. Just Google search "Xbox One vs PS4" and don't tell me you're surprised that the flame war has already started. There's also a newcomer in the market right now, Ouya, though I'm not sure what this console is. Next, as usual, the annual E3 this year took place at the Los Angeles Convention Centre in LA. And don't forget. Gamescom, the largest gaming event in the world, is going to be held at Germany mid-August this year.