10 Aug 2013

Make Up a New Class and Discover a Fun Way to Gain XP in Brink

Our main objectives are: destroy the pillar, escort the bot, destroy the bridge and hack the gate controls. I start as soldier, and just like most Brink players, I expect myself to change class from time to time. Little do I know that I am going to stay a Soldier until the end of the match.

It's a fancy resort, but I don't have the time to enjoy the view. I perform the first three objectives since everybody seems to be so occupied by the skirmish. After blowing the bridge to make way for the bot, I get bored and decide to wander off, resupplying every teammate I pass by with ammo until my supply pip is empty.

No run-n-gun.
So, I begin to scavenge dead enemies to fill my supply pip, partly to put a stop to that annoying "low on supply" beep. But when I run out of bodies to scavenge, I find myself restless, because at that point I'm really not in any mood to do any of the main objectives. So, I begin to do what the Soldier class is meant for; killing enemies. My objective (scavenge supplies out of dead enemies to resupply my teammates) somehow turns into a motivation.

I adopt an extra careful approach. No guns blazing. I can't waste ammunition since my job is to resupply my teammates, not myself unless necessary. Also, no running around on open ground. I didn't really care much about being a sitting duck before, but now I hide behind crates and boxes to keep myself off the opposing team's crosshairs.

I don't want dying too often because that means having to wait to respawn. First of all, I'm impatient. Secondly, I don't want dead bodies to disappear off the map before I'm revived and have them scavenged. Unfortunately, nobody wants to be a medic in my team. So, I can't count on being revived but instead have to wait to respawn, which takes much longer time. The third reason is quite ironic; I don't wanna be scavenged myself.

I become a badass. I kill a lot more enemies than I normally do, then I proceed to finish downed enemies, scavenge their dead bodies and resupply my teammates who are low on ammo. Kill, finish, scavenge, resupply. Kill, finish, scavenge, resupply. Before long, I am ahead of other players in terms of XP.

In the end, I'm the player who gained the most XP, about 12000+ XP. That can be considered a lot for a short match. Oh, before I forget to mention, our team wins!