21 Jul 2013

Vladof Sniper Rifles

I won’t completely disagree with you if you think that the weapon manufacturer Vladof never actually produces sniper rifles, but rather just assault rifles that look like sniper rifles. It makes sense because the only differences that these “sniper rifles” have with the regular assault rifles are that they have smaller ammo clips and they are equipped with a long-range scope. Aside from that, you can use these sniper rifles the same way you do an assault rifle because their fire rates are as high as that of the regular assault rifles.

You can still keep the term “sniper rifles” for the ones manufactured by Vladof, if you wish. Or you can call them “sniper-assault rifle hybrids”. Or “assault rifles that look like sniper rifles”. It doesn't matter. They are still as awesome.

And this one here is Moshy.
Moshy here is my main long-range weapon. Typically, sniper rifles have low fire rates, thus making them inaccurate and inefficient at close range, but thanks to Moshy’s high fire rate, I don’t have to switch to another weapon each time I have to deal with enemies who get too close and personal, because this gun works effectively at close range as it does long-range. Unfortunately, Moshy here delivers slag damage, which means it does no elemental damage at all unless you switch to another elemental weapon to finish off the slagged enemies. Despite that, it’s effective enough to kill some badass enemies on its own, but sometimes I have the urge to switch weapons just to make full use of the slag effect.

I am not a fan of switching weapons in the heat of battle.