28 Sept 2013

Indie Game of the Month: Barely Floating

So I guess posting an indie game weekly didn't work out since I don't really have the time to sit down and play, then write a post for it. So from this entry onward this section is called Indie Game of the Month instead, haha.

19 Sept 2013

Kingpin - A Great Game That Was Released at the Wrong Time

I'm sure there's an extremely low chance that you might have heard of this game, let alone played it. This title was released back in 1999 to warm receptions from critics. 10 years after its release, I played it, loved it and even wrote a review (which I lost). Not only it was a decent game, it was also the atmosphere of the game that really caught me. Each chapter took place in grim but beautiful urban areas. But, if you look at this game today, this is not the most unique thing about it.

14 Sept 2013

Tips and Tricks: Getting Quick XPs in Brink as a Soldier or an Operative

When it comes to giving XP points, Brink can be considered generous. But I’ll just make it quick, so if you’re XP greedy, then here are some tips for you.

6 Sept 2013

Top 5 Games Everyone Is Playing Right Now That I Haven't Yet Played

Yup, the title explains everything. So here's the list of popular games everyone is playing right now that I somehow haven't played yet, excluding DotA. I am never gonna play that game. That's not because I hate it, but because everybody is playing it. So by the time I do, I would have no chance to win, because they all would be already a step ahead of me and also I suck, which is a bonus. Anyway, without further due, here's my list of games everyone is playing right now that I haven't yet played.