6 Sept 2013

Top 5 Games Everyone Is Playing Right Now That I Haven't Yet Played

Yup, the title explains everything. So here's the list of popular games everyone is playing right now that I somehow haven't played yet, excluding DotA. I am never gonna play that game. That's not because I hate it, but because everybody is playing it. So by the time I do, I would have no chance to win, because they all would be already a step ahead of me and also I suck, which is a bonus. Anyway, without further due, here's my list of games everyone is playing right now that I haven't yet played.

Call of Duty Black Ops and beyond

Ah, Call of Duty or CoD, the biggest franchise around, with Black Ops being the most commercially successful at the moment. Well, I haven't played BlOps yet, *gasp*, but it's OK, because I most probably have played Modern Warfare 1, 2 and 3, right? After all, they are the popular games around and the ones that made Call of Duty became the series that everyone plays, chances are, I would've played them, right?

Nope, wrong! To be honest, I don't really follow the Modern Warfare games. You see, I'm more into those WW2 Call of Duty titles. The last CoD game that I truly enjoyed was Call of Duty: World at War. So yes, I'm NOT one of those Call of Duty fans who fell in love with this franchise when MW1 dropped. Personally I think that Call of Duty fans these days are actually more like MW fans, because they define MW as CoD, and most of them never even played the good ol' games such as Call of Duty 2.

Anyway, I only played Modern Warfare 3, but not the campaign because I won't play it unless I've already played the first two MWs. Moreover, there are just too many awesome games out there right now, so I think I have to stop keeping my interest in playing Black Ops, which is already too low at this moment. Maybe someday, when I'm bored to death, I'll give it a chance.

Starcraft 2
I played the good old Starcraft and let me tell you, it's one of my favorite RTS of all time, besides Command and Conquer Red Alert 2. Yeah, zerk-rush! The "strategy" rarely works, but when it does, boy it feels good. Imagine your rival's face when you mow down their base as they watch helplessly. Priceless. Starcraft 2 dropped in 2011 to close the series 10-year gap, but I forgot the main reason I decided not to purchase a copy, while everyone was crazy about it. Oh, right! It was the constant internet connection requirement.

Last of Us
Even the most skeptical gamers seem to like it.
Simple reason: it's PS3-exclusive, and I don't have a PS3. In fact I don't have any console.

Team Fortress 2

Some people say that Valve is overrated. They don't produce a lot of games, but they developed the one of the best engines out there, the Source Engine (it feels wrong not to mention it here). Besides, they have Steam, and while they aren't as active as other developers in terms of game-producing, they have developed some of the best games such as Half Life 2, Left 4 Dead, Portal 2 and Team Fortress 2 (and oddly they stopped at 2). Valve, also being generous, decided to turn TF2 free to play. Now everyone plays it, except me. Thanks, Steam "update"...

Bioshock Infinite

Here's what I've been hearing all the time: Bioshock was amazing! Awesome weapons, compelling background stories that revolve around political ideologies, as well as the mysterious underwater city as Rapture; Bioshock has got them all! Bioshock Infinite is 10 times more awesome!

I've been avoiding everything related to Bioshock Infinite since its release because I haven't got my hands on it yet, but they are all over the internet. The hype is too great to bear, and I'm afraid too much of it will make me suspicious of whether or not it really is that great...

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