11 Dec 2013

Section 8 Prejudice: PC Review

Just another review I wrote back during my school days. I'm posting it here to fill the void this December. I'll post screenshots later on. Anyway, yeah, that's about it. Behold; this is my salad-days work!

18 Nov 2013

From the Editor: College, Psychology and Delayed Posts

Hey guys, what's up. Lately I've been kind of busy with college schedule. The final examination is just a month and a half away, so I'm really pushing myself to the limit. Besides that, the Cultural Club, which I'm a member of, is going to have at least 2 performances in 2 different events next month. To think back, I actually joined the club just to try something new, ha... So yea, I'm kinda occupied this month. I haven't even started on Bioshock Infi- crap! -please don't post spoilers, ha!

10 Nov 2013

Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2 (PC) Review

nfs hot pursuit 2 classic

This is an old review of mine for Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2. I wrote it about 2 or 3 years ago while I was still in school. I guess I should post it here. I know it's a pretty old game, but I still like it. I decided to leave this review untouched, please excuse my English back then. Haha... Anyway, here goes.

4 Nov 2013

Dark Souls 2 Coming to PC Next March

Here's another great news of a game coming to the PC, guys! This time, it's Dark Souls 2, as announced by From Software game director, Yui Tanimura. Yay! Some of you must have tried the PC port for the previous Dark Souls called the Prepare to Edition, and were probably disappointed by various technical issues the port was plagued with. Now, thanks to the sequel having a proper PC edition, we will have the chance to enjoy what our console friends did playing the previous Dark Souls game.

31 Oct 2013

Survival Horror Titles to Check Out This Halloween

Hey guys. Oh, hello there first time viewers! Oh hello to random passers as well. So as you've noticed, this month we're not having any Indie Game of the Month entry to make way for a Halloween-related post. The post title says it all, so to cut the story short, here goes.

19 Oct 2013

Fifth Borderlands 2 DLC Is on the Way

I'm a big fan of the Borderlands game series. A big, BIG fan. So as you can expect, I'd post most of Borderlands news here. This news here came out a long while ago, probably in July I think, but it wasn't so detailed back then and I didn't think it was worth posting. But last month, Gearbox gave us a deeper look into the upcoming DLC which seemed to be very Halloween-themed, considering that it is to be released some time later this October.

16 Oct 2013

New Hopes for GTA V to be on PC

 Damn, the title sounds pathetic, hahahaha! But anyway, all this while, PC gamers couldn't help but envy their console friends for having Grand Theft Auto V (GTA V) exclusive to their platforms. Cheer up guys! For those of you who signed the online petition requesting Rockstar to release GTA V on PC, your effort has probably paid off. Various gaming websites, including PC GamerGamespot and Eurogamer have been reporting that GTA V is embarking on an odyssey to PC!

10 Oct 2013

Watch Dogs: Will You Leave Los Santos for a While to Pay a Visit to Chicago?

I've been following the progress of Watch Dogs for almost a year, but lately I had been missing out on a lot of news and updates due to college work. So, just now I did some quick catch-ups because the longer I ignore them, the harder it would be for me to concentrate on my college work. I just had to get things out of my system quickly before I started walking on all fours. Anyway, I must say, I got a bit psyched reading all those gaming news. It seems like the most talked games are GTA V, Saints Row 4 and of course, Watch Dogs. The console gaming scene is obviously dominated by GTA V. Everything GTA V is a hot topic, haha.

I didn't really intend to post news regularly on this blog since I'm not a journalist myself. Besides, there are already a lot of major gaming websites to keep you updated with accurate news all over the web. But since I'm really into Watch Dogs, I'm gonna do a bit of that anyway. So, here's some Watch Dogs news I have collected from around the Internet.

3 Oct 2013

Io Interactive Shows How Changes Can be Good, If Done Correctly

When Agent 47 took a razor blade and cut off his iconic bar code tattoo, I was devastated. "This can't be! This isn't right!" I exclaimed. "Anything but this!" I thought the bar code tattoo would be gone forever, until I got a close-up look of the back of his head when he was hiding inside a closet in the hippie level. I could see the bar code was still there, not at all gone, but almost entirely covered by poorly placed plasters. It was a huge relief for me. The bar code means a lot to long time Hitman fans like myself. You see, this is one of the huge changes that Io Interactive took on Hitman Absolution, among others, but fortunately, the same old ways are still there.

28 Sept 2013

Indie Game of the Month: Barely Floating

So I guess posting an indie game weekly didn't work out since I don't really have the time to sit down and play, then write a post for it. So from this entry onward this section is called Indie Game of the Month instead, haha.

19 Sept 2013

Kingpin - A Great Game That Was Released at the Wrong Time

I'm sure there's an extremely low chance that you might have heard of this game, let alone played it. This title was released back in 1999 to warm receptions from critics. 10 years after its release, I played it, loved it and even wrote a review (which I lost). Not only it was a decent game, it was also the atmosphere of the game that really caught me. Each chapter took place in grim but beautiful urban areas. But, if you look at this game today, this is not the most unique thing about it.

14 Sept 2013

Tips and Tricks: Getting Quick XPs in Brink as a Soldier or an Operative

When it comes to giving XP points, Brink can be considered generous. But I’ll just make it quick, so if you’re XP greedy, then here are some tips for you.

6 Sept 2013

Top 5 Games Everyone Is Playing Right Now That I Haven't Yet Played

Yup, the title explains everything. So here's the list of popular games everyone is playing right now that I somehow haven't played yet, excluding DotA. I am never gonna play that game. That's not because I hate it, but because everybody is playing it. So by the time I do, I would have no chance to win, because they all would be already a step ahead of me and also I suck, which is a bonus. Anyway, without further due, here's my list of games everyone is playing right now that I haven't yet played.

29 Aug 2013

Borderlands 3 Wish List

(Will Be Updated from Time to Time)
When the first Borderlands dropped, the guys at Gearbox Software were so surprised by its unexpected success that they decided to work on a sequel. So, Borderlands 2 came out, building upon the same but improved gameplay mechanics introduced in its predecessor, as well as introducing new characters, guns, items, vehicles, environments and of course, enemies. Borderlands 2 was both commercially and critically successful, with over 3 million copies sold and Gameraking scores of 90.5% (PS3), 90.10% (PC) and 89.29% (Xbox 360) and Metacritic scores of 91% (PS3) and 89% (PC and Xbox 360).

Sure, Borderlands 2 offers us more things, which is the reason why it was so successful but we are greedy gamers. Admit it, we want more! We want more things. We want more improvements, we want more of everything! According to Gearbox, they have not put any work to Borderlands 3 yet, but they have plans on the direction that the series is going to take. So, it's safe to assume that Borderlands 3 is going to come out someday.

So here's our Borderlands 3 Wish List- the things that what we want in Borderlands 3.

18 Aug 2013

Indie Game of the Week: The Binding of Isaac

The Binding of Isaac
It has been more than a week, in fact, nearly a month since the first Indie Game of the Week entry. It seems more appropriate to rename the section to "Indie Game of the Month" instead.

10 Aug 2013

Make Up a New Class and Discover a Fun Way to Gain XP in Brink

Our main objectives are: destroy the pillar, escort the bot, destroy the bridge and hack the gate controls. I start as soldier, and just like most Brink players, I expect myself to change class from time to time. Little do I know that I am going to stay a Soldier until the end of the match.

8 Aug 2013

2013 in Gaming, So Far

Is 2013 a good year for gaming? So far, yes. Well, most years are a good year for gaming, but some years do stand out than the rest. Maybe it's a bit early to confirm, but 2013 is most certainly going to be one of these years. Let's start with the news on the eight-gen console. Last February, Sony revealed the world their new console, PS4 at New York City. Then, 3 months later, rival Microsoft revealed their Xbox One. Just Google search "Xbox One vs PS4" and don't tell me you're surprised that the flame war has already started. There's also a newcomer in the market right now, Ouya, though I'm not sure what this console is. Next, as usual, the annual E3 this year took place at the Los Angeles Convention Centre in LA. And don't forget. Gamescom, the largest gaming event in the world, is going to be held at Germany mid-August this year.

30 Jul 2013

Underestimating Terramorphous the Invincible

The 'invincible' has always been merely a title. Whatever video game characters that call themselves invincible can always be beaten quite easily. That's not the case with Terramorphous.

28 Jul 2013

Indie Game of the Week: Total Fucking Psychopath

Everything about this retro arcade style freeware game is pretty simple. You play as a maniac who believes everybody is turning into maggots (something like that) and you’re out to stop the madness. As dead bodies begin to pile up on the streets, the cops begin to show up. The more people you kill, the more of cops will arrive in their attempt to arrest -just kidding- shoot you down. Also, you must continuously kill people so that your psychosis meter won’t reach zero, because that means game over. Sounds fun, huh? It is.

22 Jul 2013

Bong the Medic Gun

In both Borderlands games, I always reserve the last weapon slot as the slot for weapons I called the “medic guns”. A medic gun is a weapon that is always equipped, but it’s not necessarily used all the time like the rest of the three equipped weapons. In fact, it’s rarely used, except to score a Second Wind, which is why it’s called the medic gun.

21 Jul 2013

Vladof Sniper Rifles

I won’t completely disagree with you if you think that the weapon manufacturer Vladof never actually produces sniper rifles, but rather just assault rifles that look like sniper rifles. It makes sense because the only differences that these “sniper rifles” have with the regular assault rifles are that they have smaller ammo clips and they are equipped with a long-range scope. Aside from that, you can use these sniper rifles the same way you do an assault rifle because their fire rates are as high as that of the regular assault rifles.

You can still keep the term “sniper rifles” for the ones manufactured by Vladof, if you wish. Or you can call them “sniper-assault rifle hybrids”. Or “assault rifles that look like sniper rifles”. It doesn't matter. They are still as awesome.